Trentham is a 75 minute drive from Werribee. The walk starts at Trentham Historic Railway Station, free parking and amenities are available at the station. Co-ordinates: 37°23’10.3″S 144°19’24.9″E
The trail is on a hard earthen surface and partially shaded by trees for most of the walk.
You will need to bring a rain coat, hat, sunscreen, hiking boots or suitable walking shoes, water, lunch and snacks. If you have a small fold up seat you can fit in your pack, bring it along.
The trail has no hills, but does have a slight incline in some parts. It follows the old rail line from Trentham to Lyonville (6.3 kms) through the Wombat State Forest.
Along the way you will see birds, a few of the old rail bridges and maybe a kangaroo or wallaby. When we get to Lyonville, we’ll have morning tea. There is very limited seating and no toilets in Lyonville. After morning tea, we will walk back to Trentham along the same trail.