Junction Pools, Werribee Gorge

The drive from Werribee to the Quarry Picnic Area in Werribee Gorge is 45 minutes and there are toilets there.

You will need to bring a rain coat, hat, water, lunch and snacks, hiking boots or suitable walking shoes and walking poles if you have them.

The walking trail is on a solid earthen track with loose stones on some sections. There are 3 uphill climbs during the walk, one being steep and at least 750 metres long and there are 3 short sections which involve steps.

From the picnic area we walk down into the lower gorge to the river. From the river we have a steep hill climb (on the short circuit trail) for quite a distance stopping at Eastern View lookout, then down to Junction Pools, then back to the Quarry picnic area where the walk will finish.

Morning tea will be had during the walk and maybe lunch too. A reasonable level of fitness is required for this walk. You may want to bring a chair so you have something to sit on if we have lunch at the car park.