NAIDOC week, Presidents Park walk

This is an event organised by the local Aboriginal community for NAIDOC week. You must register via
It is a free fun run/walk for Aboriginal community members and allies to celebrate NAIDOC Week, including cultural activities before and after the run.
Track conditions: paved walking track. Bring 2L water, sunscreen, beanie, lunch, drinks, snacks, warm clothing and jacket, rain wear and sturdy walking shoes.
On arrival, go to the Registration area to sign in. We will meet in a group here from 9:30am. Activities start at 10am.
There will be a Welcome to Country and Cultural activities before the walk which starts at Presidents Park, going past the lake to the walkway alongside the Werribee River.
The walk continues along Werribee River out and back. Walkers can choose to do either 5km or 10km.
Last year, walkers could get free t-shirts before the walk – arrive early as these run out quickly. Each walker receives a medal on completion of the walk.
We will meet at the end of the 10km walk and go to Presidents Park playground to enjoy a picnic lunch.
NB: drones and photographers are likely to be recording the event.